August 16, 2005

  • <>
    [ED. NOTE: Reply to a friend, in response to an email he sent me...from  "THE JIGZONE" website.]

    [A Friend]
    has sent you a
    Puzzle Postcard

    [Dear Friend,]

    Your link took me to a page which contained (among it's instructions) the following edict:

    "Click and

    D R A G

    the puzzle pieces with

    T H E   M O U S E

    to solve the puzzle."

    [Emphasis mine. ~ ED.]

    What's that, you say? You want my mouse to become a "drag" queen?

    Well, first of all, I'd have to have a mouse; second, if I had a mouse, it would --- first and foremost --- be a "drama" queen.

    I don't think big hair, fancy clothes and a good makeup job, will help my erstwhile mouse to function any better, but intense melodrama can get you lots of great, center-stage attention; and clear out one's clogged up cookie cache.

    ( begs a mention: Who in their right mind -- except a non-existant cyber-mouse -- would want to toss their cookies, by any means other than munching??? Yum!)

    Yup, I think I'll choose for me and my imaginary mouse, to:

    "Maintain My Domain"

    ~ as ~

    The Original Earthmom's ™
    Drama Queen

    and leave the wigs, costumes and fancy airs to those best suited. :o P (LOL)

    Next, the page [of the link] gave me the following sad-but-true message:

    "The Jigsaw requires a
    Java enabled browser"

    Now, lord knows...if my browser was desperate for coffee, I'd enable it to have as much bean-brew as it wants; however, unlike humans, who get "wired" from too much coffee, a browser would become UN-wired (the electronic equivalent of being deep-sixed!!!); and then I would need to arrange:

    "Java Enabled Browser"
    Funeral Service

    As a result of my electronic equipment being vulnerable to suffering a crisis of identity and addiction, I think I'll be smart,
    and decline working the puzzle (which I do wish I could accomplish), with my WebTV.

    (Sniff...) (-_-)

    B, s. :o )

    (LOL, the "BS" above stands for "Bye, Shelley")

    <<><<><<><<><<>>Please Note:<<>><>><>><>><>>
    All Puns Gleefully Intended!

    Copyright © August 16, 2005
    The Original Earthmom ™ 
    All Rights Reserved

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